Early, upland settlement Sopot is located on the border of Upper and Lower Sopot, in the northern part of the city. The hill towns, situated very defensively limited to the north and south by two valleys. They are deeply indented in the terrace level and have steep slopes difficult to travel. the bottom of the valleys to the swift flowing streams today. From the east, the hill descends steeply to the platform area podmokłemu abrasive. The area formerly occupied by the sea, and then through the swamps defended the city. Sopot settlement, nearly square shape, measuring about 50 to 45 meters of a well-preserved structures embankments. The highest, best preserved shaft and deep moat from the west indicate a particularly strong appreciation of the natural devoid of defense. Earthworks also preserved in the north and the south are much smaller. The entrance gate was also from the south. Almost square fortified interior is flat and sandy. The steep slopes of the hills and embankments covered with beech forest. In the years 1961-1963 the fortified settlement in Sopot, Gdansk Archaeological Museum conducted excavations. Unveiled two dugouts and two furnaces. The center held an empty town square called the square. Excavations have provided a rich historical material. Discovered numerous ceramic fragments made manually, which reproduces the entire vessel. Ornamentation and shape of the blood indicate a product Slavic. Found bone needles and awls, glass and amber beads, horn comb fragments and bits to the harness horse. Particularly abundant material is amber, raw material and material and amber products. Archaeological research has shown conclusively that Sopot city, erected and burned three times, was founded in the seventh century and was used until the mid tenth century. Sopot is a business culture settlement polish period. He was a tribal stronghold coastal guards acting roles. These roles mid tenth century took preferably located, stronger, growing Gdańsk, which is an expression of political changes on the Polish Pomerania during the formation of the state. Currently, the settlement shows are held jousting, archery, crafts demonstrations and lessons are conducted for the living history school.